Monday, January 16, 2012

The House of the Lord - Part 2

"We were recently guests in the House of the Lord to witness the sealing of an amazing family from Kenya. Speaking no English and shrouded in poverty, they arrived with joyous anticipation of being eternally united with their patriarch. The father of this family of six bright and beautiful children was viciously attacked and bled to death because of the absence of medical care in their village. It was heartrending to see their extreme need and absence of even a change of clothing. Some of their tiny black feet wore adult-sized plastic slippers that had been borrowed for the occasion. Shirt seams had parted company and US logos on T-shirts indicated retrieval from a donation bag from LDS Humanitarian Aid. Even girls’ heads were shaved in the absence of shampoo. The only English words that escaped some of their mouths were, “Thank you.” They spoke one of the hundreds of tribal languages that translation was not available for. My heart yearned to give them some small token of love and friendship. I went into the Distribution Center and purchased some children’s “Friend” magazines for the 19 children that were occupying the Patron Housing Area that week. One man from their small branch was found in the cantina (eating area) that could read English and helped share the “Friend” stories with the eager children. I yearned to give more but had nothing else to give but hugs.

As my thoughts scrambled to land upon an idea of something that I could give those deserving children, a cheery black man entered our office with a box from America. Excitement escalated as it was handed to us! The postage label indicated that the small box had cost over $62 to mail from Arizona. We paid an additional R15 and claimed it as our own. We quickly finished opening the damaged carton to discover that our new-found treasure chest miraculously contained 19 homemade packets of treats, toys and gifts for children. Snowman magic slates were a particular fascination for the children who had probably never seen store-bought toys. With wide-eyed wonder they watched as I drew a smiley face and then lifted the plastic page which erased the drawing. They wanted me to repeat the magic over and over again. Finally, I handed one to the closest child and an army of soiled little pleading palms reached out to retrieve one and try the “magic” with their own hands. The packets were appreciated as if they had been small pots of gold and were saved for their four-hour flight home. Thank you, Heather, for the joy your well-traveled box brought to a little band of grateful children.

"Greater than anything that we could give is what we received when we entered the holy temple. Our tears of joy could not be restrained when the little widow was vicariously sealed to her departed beloved companion. Then six sweet little black angels arrayed in spotless white were gently ushered into the sacred sealing room. Words cannot describe what the silent chambers of our hearts experienced as we witnessed a tower of little black hands join together to become a family forever. Our hearts pounded and streams of tears could not be restrained. People in faraway nations of the world – unknown to this heavenly family -- helped make this glorious experience possible. After sacrificing all she could, this young widow and her six beloved children were provided assistance through the Temple Patron Assistance Fund.

As we left the sacred part of the temple, twelve hopeful, little eyes were upon us. Having changed back into their “donation” attire, six stalwart little saints sat reverently in the waiting area. Young black faces glowed brightly and seemed to beckon us to them. Handshakes were not adequate for the moment so following warm handshakes with small hands lost in our grips, big hugs were given. Each child reached out to us anticipating their turn for our expressions of love to them. Finally, we moved toward the lift (elevator). We glanced back and blew kisses. They looked puzzled at the gestures so we waved and signaled “thumbs up.” They quickly returned those familiar signs. After our spirits were elevated we took our bodies back down the “lift” carrying a flood of tears with us to the basement parking area. We sighed deeply as we pondered the tender, heavenly scene we had been party to and exchanged silent, watery glances. This is the hope of mankind: eternal families! The temple is the miracle of mortality. Things recorded on this “magic slate” can only be erased by disobedience, or choice. Otherwise, they stand the test of time and become the great equalizer of blessings here and provide eternal possibilities hereafter." - Sister Basso

To learn more about temples, please go here.


  1. I shed a tear...actually I read your blog. Thank you for sharing such a wonderful story.

  2. Oh, my....19 packages arriving just when you needed them for those 19 children....and the joy and beauty of that Temple experience...I am blowing my nose right now...You are engaged of the work of the Lord and He doth provide. Love to you both, Wanda Wach
